Ten Questions Couples Should Ask Before Becoming Foster Parents

This post was written by Jason Johnson and can be found in it’s entirety on his blog here.


I’m convinced for every one couple we see pursuing becoming foster parents, there’s a whole host of others that are privately considering it but aren’t quite ready to publicly confess it. And sometimes the question holding them back the most is - “What questions should we be asking?”

I recognize single people can foster too - and many should - but that’s not primarily what this post is about, although some of the questions couples need to be asking themselves are relevant and applicable to singles as well. The purpose of this post, however, is to provide some context and structure to those private and personal conversations I know many of you are having out there. Hopefully it gives you some handlebars to hold onto and guardrails to navigate within. While this list is certainly not exhaustive, let it be a clarifying guide for you as you continue to consider and pursue taking your next best steps together.


Foster care is less about getting a child for your family and more about giving your family for a child. A slightly different statement with significantly different implications. That's not to say that a family can't grow through foster care - it sometimes does - or that a family doesn't receive endless amounts of blessings and joy through foster care - they no doubt can. It is to say, however, that our first call is to give, not receive. Why is this important? Several reasons, but most notably is simply wanting to “get” a child cuts off your capacity to hope for that child’s family to be restored so they can go home. As well, what happens when process is especially difficult? Do you stick with it because it’s worth it, or step out because you’re not getting what you want? Check your intentions.


While I understand the sentiment behind the question, I actually don’t like it as much as I like to ask: “Are you at least reading the same book?” Because sometimes we might be a few pages ahead of or behind our spouse, but as long as we’re reading the same book - i.e. sharing the same convictions and vision and taking steps forward together in same direction - that’s what’s most important. Needing to be on the “same page” sometimes makes couples feel like until they are both absolutely and equally comfortable, confident and clear than they can’t do anything. I don’t necessarily agree. Maybe it starts small and simple; one step at a time. Attending an informational meeting or orientation class; going to dinner with a family that is fostering; reading a good book; etc. Don’t let being on page 17 while your spouse is on page 29 paralyze you. As long as you’re reading the same book, meet each other in the middle and go from there!


You can’t do this alone. Nor should you try. You need a collective diversity of people around you to sustain you through this journey. Don’t have a built in circle or support? Start building one. Go out of your way to ingrain yourself into a local church ministry, an agency’s support systems or some other kind of community resource opportunities...even if the best you can do right now in your area is an online Facebook group! Don’t go at it alone! When you don’t ask for help, or when you refuse to lean into systems of support being offered to you, you deprive others the opportunity to serve. It’s that important - not just for you, but for them as well. These kids deserve for you to be connected and supported. Everybody wins when you are; everybody loses when you’re not. Don’t go at it alone. Read more here.


Have you removed the rose colored lenses yet? If not, let’s do that real quick. It. Will. Cost. You. Maybe some money, certainly some time, definitely some energy, and absolutely some emotion, convenience, comfort and normalcy. No one ever said, “I want to foster so that my life will be the same.” No. Everything changes. It’s hard, and it's important to be aware of the costs; to not go into this wearing rose colored lenses. But here’s the point - we accept the costs to us as worth it for the gain a child may receive. That’s why we do this. And when it’s all said and done, don’t just count the costs you will incur if you do it without considering what it will cost these kids if you don’t. Perhaps the question you need to be asking is not "Can we afford to do this?" but rather "Can we really afford not to do this?" A slightly different question with significantly different implications. Read more here.


Prepare and get ready, but be ready to not be fully ready. I’ve never met a foster parent that *felt* completely capable or ready; but everyone of them have been available and willing. That’s what it took. Many who ARE capable don’t always FEEL it. Fear lies and paralyzes. It keeps a lot of good people away from a lot of great kids. So, how do you know if you’re “called” or “ready”? When you know just enough to be afraid of it but too much to let fear have the final say about it. This means you don’t wait for fear or worry to subside before you act; you simply choose to fight forward so that fear loses and kids and families win. What if you started to assume the answer was "yes" until you heard a "no", rather than "no" until you heard a "yes"? A lot would change. It might just change what you do next. Read more here.


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